(Once again) I stayed up way too late watching yet another "unthinkable" & cowardly attack (a metal concert; a freaking metal concert - really?!?) on a group of people just out enjoying their lives. Just like all the previous times the hairs on arms stood up when I heard about ordinary folks stepping up & stepping out to help strangers (loved the almost immediate hashtags #PorteOuverte (open doors) and #StrandedInUS where people literally put their addresses out there for strangers to crash if needed). This morning I tried to avoid the news & posts of support on Facebook and Twitter but there's no avoiding the cartoons (this time I mean the drawings not the politicians) that give the impression of understanding & hope that this time - this time we'll stop the bad guys. I can't imagine living in a world where I can't relax after a rough week; go to the movies or see my favorite band and be more concerned about what the fan next to me is doing instead of what's happening on the screen or stage....and yet that's exactly where I am today.
Tomorrow is another day though.