So here I am in day 10 of the new year & I'm still working on those goals. (Yay me!) Today's "adventure" was the first of 3 of the Blue Apron meals
Beckey gifted me so I could see if it was something I'd be interested in. I decided to try the hardest (I'll explain why later) of the three first (if I can prepare & eat it then the rest will be easier).

Tonight's meal: Seared Cod & Date Vinaigrette.
I'm not the best fish cooker (unless it's fried; thanks Dad) & cod has always been beer battered and fried w/ chips in my world. If that wasn't intimidating enough, it comes with a 1/2 cup of read quinoa (what is quinoa and why is it red), a watermelon radish (very neat looking but still tastes like a radish to me) and dates I was supposed to finely chop (have you tried chopping raisins?). It took me longer than the 35 minute cooking time mostly because "Heat a medium pot of salted water to to boiling on high. Once boiling, add the quinoa" is not specific enough for this non-cook. How much water? How much salt? (Did I mention I don't know what quinoa is or why it's red?) I won't go how long my paranoid self cooked the fish, I can hear you laughing at me from here.
My favorite step was the 6th and last one: "Divide the finished salad and cooked cod fillets between two plates." In case no one tells you quinoa GROWS.
smile emoticon

There's maybe 1/3 of the salad on my plate (a regular sized dinner plate). I ate what's on my plate. I may not know what it was supposed to taste like, but it wasn't inedible and that's a plus. All in all I say meal 1 was a success.