
Dad Update 4/12/13

Dad update April 12, 2013

Yesterday Dad had a paracentesis (procedure to remove abdominal fluid is removed) and today first thing in the morning he called complaining about being in pain.  J Yes I know I shouldn’t be happy about being awakened at o’dark thirty by Dad’s ringtone, but this time he gets a pass.  This was the first major procedure that he’s been through since the hip surgery that was not there for & even though in my head I knew that despite the risks it was relatively safe and routine procedure.

So far the swelling in this stomach has gone down (he says he only looks 5 months pregnant now) as well as in the right leg.  They will be testing the fluid for all the usual suspects (cancer, liver & kidney disease and heart failure).  Dad’s completely frustrated because no one will tell him why this happened other than ‘your drinking’.  …and of course I haven’t been able to convince him that 60 years of constant alcohol consumption will eventually take a toll on the body and it’s organs.  He’s still in cardiac heart failure (goes to see the cardiologist on the 16th) and kidney failure now.  Surprisingly so far *knock on wood* he hasn’t had liver damage (yes surprise I know).  We should know more once the fluid is completely drained and tested.

I'll post more when I know more. 

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