
My Summer to Do List

I used to look forward to summer vacation (back in the day when I didn’t have to worry about bills and the rest of those adult-type things).  The last few years have been… well let’s just say nothing to look forward to.  This year I wanted to make summer something to look forward to again – only I wasn’t exactly sure how to go about doing that.  I decided to do what I do best; make a list and cross things off as I accomplish them.  (Feel free to make suggestions – who knows, I might just embrace them.)  Starting June 20st (and by August 31st) I’m want to (check back often, I'm sure I'll add things as I think of them):

  1. To Amber’s delight I’m going to start typing up my second book of collected quotes. 
  2. Attempt to give up diet sodas (again). Down to one a week ...
  3. Drink more water and green tea. Up to 72 oz/day
  4. Get out of town (i.e. Charlotte area) at least 3 times.
  5. Loose 5% of my current weight.
  6. Go to the zoo.
  7. See a fireworks display. July 4th in Waxhaw
  8. Update blog at least once a week.
  9. Figure out how to finish my HIT degree. I'm registered for classes in the fall; will keep you posted as to how I figure out how to pay for them.  :)
  10. Start sending letters to the CA Wounded Warriors again.
  11. Try at least 3 new foods.
  12. Go to Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden.
  13. See a couple of movies at the drive in.
  14. Take more (and be in more) pictures. Definitely working on this one.  Bill took this picture of me yesterday; I had to resist the urge to run from.  ...hey it's a start isn't it?Photo
  15. Added: Learn (and do) Yoga

1 comment:

  1. #7 completed 6/16
    Have a meeting tomorrow regarding #9 (please keep fingers crossed).
